Capricorn – The Blood of the Saviour

Picture to the month of Capricorn
Since ancient-most times, rituals for the birth of the Saviour have been performed on the winter solstice. The Sun is seen as the Saviour who brings life and consciousness to all living beings. The red rays of the morning sun look like the blood of the Sun and are regarded as 'the Blood of the Saviour'. The seers say that when this light falls on our body, it is a very good opportunity to heal diseases of the blood and to purify our consciousness, especially in the month of Capricorn.
From the winter solstice onwards, the sun begins his apparent journey northwards. This time is very suitable for exercises to align to the subtle planes and to elevate us to the supramundane.
To visualize the transparency of subtle matter, I took pictures of a rock crystal in front of a candle flame. I arranged it as a pyramid-shaped mountain top. The pyramid indicates the four cardinal points of the cardinal cross. For the background I worked with the photo of a sunrise Christmas 2017 on the flight from Delhi to Bangalore. For the figure of the meditator on the mountain top I used the bronze figure of a Kashmiri in meditation, by Malvina Hoffman, Museum Chicago (Wikimedia). The rising sun is also in the heart centre of the meditator.
Sagittarius – Before Dawn. Fiery Aspiration

Bild zum Bild zum Monat Schütze
The time of Sagittarius in the course of the year corresponds to the time before dawn in the course of the day. The two hours before sunrise are very favourable for meditation and bring fourth the best results with ardent worship. We can easily receive the cooperation of the Devas, who pour out subtle energies on the beings of the earth.
For the background of the image I warped a photo of predawn seen from an airplane and worked on the colours. The bottom indicates the sphere of the earth, the dense matter. From out of it rises a rose in pinkish colours into the vastness of the blue firmament; it is a symbol for the blossoming of fiery aspiration.
The flower is surrounded by the signs of the zodiac with Sagittarius at the top. The varying colours of the signs indicate the subtle work of the devas of dawn. They dance around the flower and seem to plunge into the flaming sphere announcing the rising sun.
Scorpio - The Journey of the Disciple

Picture to the month of Scorpio
The vital energy resting at the Muladhara, the base centre is called kundalini or serpent power. It is symbolically represented as a serpent wrapped three and a half times around the base centre. The coils of the serpent represent the physical, the astral and the lower half of the mental plane of our existence.
On the path of ascension, the journey of the disciple, the serpent crawling on the ground rises and becomes a winged serpent, an eagle. The path of Kundalini goes from the base (Muladhara) to the head centre (Sahasrara). When the kundalini releases itself from the bond of dense matter, the energy rises through the spine. The inner side of the spine can be visualized as a radiant line of force - an electric blue colour. This is the essential energy of our Self as awareness and light.
The painting shows the ascent of consciousness from imprisonment in matter to liberation into the vastness of spirit. The base centre at the bottom of the picture was designed with the help of the photo of a petunia. The coils of the serpent are indicated by coloured layers, for which I used a Nasa photo of the Cassini probe from the north pole of Saturn. From the base centre rises a pillar of light, out of which a bluish shining eagle emerges in the upper part. On the left side you see the constellation Scorpio and on the right side Scorpio’s glyph.
Libra – The Exaltation of Venus

Picture to the month of Libra
Libra symbolises the fall of man into the cycle of birth and death. Through the development of sex consciousness, we have lost the awareness of our original state of immortality. This is represented as a fall from the Sahasrara, the head centre, to the Muladhara, the base centre. By directing the consciousness towards the higher centres, the lower centres are slowly neutralised and the polarity of sex is transcended. This is called the reversal of the wheel. The path from Libra to Aries in the reversed direction completes the journey. The opposition between Mars and Venus, between the male and the female, is transformed into a marriage; they unite and find their harmony. It is the marriage of the lamb, Aries, with the bride, Libra.
The image shows the stylised wheel of the zodiac with the central axis of Aries at the top and Libra at the bottom. In the central axis you see the figure of Venus, the symbol of the soul linking the opposite poles. Venus helps us to rise from the mundane identity to the awareness of being the soul. The figure is wearing a veil, the veil of nature. She is surrounded by colours of light blue and rose, colours related to Venus. For this, I used a painting of Venus from an unknown painter of the British School.
Libra represents the experience of dense matter and the death of consciousness. I illustrated this density through rock faces on the left and right side. The figure embedded in the rock at the bottom left symbolises the past, the one on the right stands for the future. Venus in the centre is the experience of the presence.
At the top on the left side you see the constellation of Libra and on the right side you find Venus designed with a NASA photo from the space probe Magellan.
Virgo - Blessing of the Mother

Picture to the month of Virgo
For the divine light to express itself through us, a pure virginal mind is the prerequisite. Virgo is sign and time, when the germ of the soul matures - the probationary period on the spiritual path. After proper preparation through inner purification, the divine light can shine through us. Thus, the divine can descend into us to bless and uplift through the eyes and the voice. It is said that the Father blesses through the Mother and thus gives birth to the Son of God in man. This is the Immaculate Conception and birth. The seven colours of the rainbow represent the unfolding grace of the Divine. The one white ray manifests through the seven colours of the rainbow.On the left side of the picture you can see the profile of a statue of the World Mother, created with the help of the photo of a Durga statue in the Blue Mountains of South India. The germs of the maturing souls in the sphere of the earth were created with the help of the photo of a flower at the San Francisco airport. This sphere is limited by the rainbow against the vastness of blue space. Its seven colours stand for the seven planes of existence, whose seventh plane is the radiant light of the universe, which we perceive as darkness. In this darkness we can see the glyph and the stars of the constellation Virgo.
Leo - Group Consciousness. Common Purpose

Picture to the month of Leo
Leo stands for the birth of the soul into group consciousness. As soon as the soul in us awakens, we begin to live in the higher consciousness or group consciousness. There is no more need for us to limits and separations like, this is 'my group, your group, his group'. It is only one group of all beings of the universe. It is one entity called by many names in many groups. The purpose of Hierarchy is to release the humanity from its concretized bondages and perceived limitations so that they can cooperate with the greater purpose, the Plan for the evolution of our planet.
The picture visualizes the joint orientation of the group towards the higher purpose. For the depiction of the large group below, a photo of a group life at Mount Shasta, USA, was duplicated and mirrored. Above, there are pictures from online group meetings fused together as an expression of the physical and etheric interconnectedness. A staircase leads the view to the globe in the background and there to Shamballa. The detail of the globe is created with the help of a picture from using NASA images.
Shamballa is the etheric residence of Sanat Kumara in the Gobi Desert, where the purpose of God for our planet is known. He is the regent of the planet, indicated by the crown at the top of the globe. On the left you see the constellation Leo and on the right the glyph of the sign. The central axis was formed with the help of a photo of a galaxy. It reminds us that our system is part of a larger system and is aligned with it.
Cancer - Descent into Matter

Picture to the month of Cancer
From summer solstice in Cancer on, the southward movement of the Sun begins. For six months the day decreases and the night increases. Matter grows stronger, the light, the spirit, becomes more hidden. Therefore, this is considered the time of darkness. During this time, we should give particular care not to lose ourselves in the outer world, but to keep the connection with the inner light. When we forget this, we deviate easily from our path.
In the picture you can see two red circles. In the upper circle there is a sunset; the sun is moving down into the sphere of the earth. In the lower circle and even below there is a railroad track, which symbolizes the path into matter. Like hypnotically attracting the gaze, it leads away from the central axis. At the beginning of the path, two people look into the tunnel; their gaze could also be directed upwards towards the light. One of them has a mobile in his hand - the symbol of the present time.
In the upper right corner, you can see the symbol of Cancer and on the left are the stars of the constellation. Below them a water surface is indicated - Cancer is a water sign. The bluish bow indicates the ring of the horizon.
For the upper part of the picture two photos were used, which were taken during an evening take-off from Iguazu Airport, Brazil. The scene in the lower part of the picture is designed with two photos of an automatic train that runs through a tunnel at Zurich Airport to the terminal.
Gemini - Gateway between Unity and Separation

Picture to the month of Gemini
The symbol of Gemini is like a gate. It marks the threshold between unity and multiplicity and then the separation from unity. In the opposite direction, Gemini leads back to unity.
In this picture, the view leads the observer through an archway over a bridge-like path, designed with a photo of the top end of a moving stairway in the Elbphilharmonie Concert Hall in Hamburg, Germany. The people move as if without any action on their part.
For the background I used the photo of a newspaper page ("Der Bund", 31 January 2020) with an article about the UK's withdrawal from the EU on the eve of the Brexit. I turned the colours into the negative and fused this photo with the mirrored form of the picture. The headline "Wie der Brexit” (Like the Brexit) and its reflection appear like signs of a bifurcation. In the background on the right there is the mirrored slogan "Get Brexit done"; on the left, only faintly visible, there are two dogs tied together with the flags of Great Britain and the EU, all in turquoise as predominant colour, the colour associated with Gemini and the throat centre.
At the top of the picture you can see a flame surrounded by reddish colours and inside, in a delicate glow, Maitreya, the head of the Spiritual Hierarchy. The Masters of Wisdom intensively work for the unity of humanity and especially for the European unity. People, however, often choose the ideology of the island consciousness of separation.
Taurus - Transmitting the Impulse of Consciousness
Picture to the month of Taurus
As per the Eastern Scriptures, Sanat Kumara is the Lord of our planet and he lives in Shamballa. Shamballa is a place in the etheric plane around the Gobi Desert. Each year in Aries, the Plan or the seed for the year is received by Sanat Kumara and his team from higher circles. It is like a tremendous impulse of consciousness, a stream of energy fertilising the planet. This impulse is stepped down in Shamballa, and at Taurus full moon, it is passed on to the ashram of Hierarchy in the ethers of the Himalayan range. At Gemini full moon it is further distributed to the disciples working on the physical plane. They form the link with humanity and endeavour to manifest the Plan during the remaining nine months of the year.
The picture illustrates the transmission of this grand impulse. At the top you see Sanat Kumara and his team of Dhyan Chohans – Siddhas or perfect beings. The semicircle is open towards the top, like a receptacle for the reception of the sublime energies depicted in electric blue. The other segments of circles indicate the spheres of Spiritual Hierarchy and of humanity.
Below there is the Himalayan range with Mount Everest, composed of several photos. In the central axis, you see a group, created with a photo of statues of a blessing Buddha. There are seven larger flames representing the seven major groups of Masters.
At the bottom, you see a group of disciples, created from a segment of a May Call group photo. The disciples receive the flames in their heart centres. The many dots of light in the background are created with a nightlight picture of our planet (by NASA), indicating the global network of Light.
Transitions – Meditative Morning Walks over a Field

Photos taken during morning walks in the neighbourhood over 6 months, between 7:30 and 8:30 am.
>>> Powerpoint (100 MB, approx. 12 min)
>>> Video
The pictures show the beauty and the dynamic transitions in nature – and that partly drastic changes often come nearly unnoticed. We often do not remark where a change begins and when the new quality is emerging.
Aries - Sun cuts the Equator of Mother Earth
Picture to the month of Aries
On his seeming journey from south to north, the Sun cuts the equator at spring equinox. It is the beginning of Aries and the Sun is directly overhead at the equator. The equator is an imaginary circle around the earth. South of the equator is the tropic of Capricorn and north of the equator is the tropic of Cancer; at both of these points the Sun seemingly changes direction. In Spiritual Astrology, cutting the circle is seen as the beginning of a new cycle.
The image visualises the Sun cutting the equator from an inner perspective. Inwardly, the equator corresponds to the navel centre. The picture shows Mother Earth sitting inside the globe and the Sun at her navel cuts the plane of the equator. Above and below are the two tropics. At her heart there is the shape of India and the Himalayas as her breast jewel. The North Pole is at the top of her head.
For the Mother Earth I used a statue of Quan Yin. The globe lies in a huge lotus, signifying the principle of unfoldment. The detail of the globe is created with the help of a picture from using NASA images. The reddish colour is from the overlay of a photo of a sunrise over India at a Christmas morning. The red Capricornian sunrays are seen as the blood of the Sun, the saviour.
In the upper left corner, you see Mars, the ruler of Aries, and in the right corner there is the constellation Aries.
Ten Years of Spiritual Astrology Paintings

Pisces 2020 concludes the 10th annual cycle of the "Spiritual Astrology Paintings". The ten cycles with 12 pictures each illustrate facets of the wisdom of the zodiac are a part of the “Images of Synthesis” series.
To celebrate the occasion, I have done a photo book with the pictures of the last three cycles. You can download the PDF here (text in English only). The picture series continues.
Pisces – Spiralic Ascent

Picture to the month of Pisces
Time moves cyclically. Every day is a time cycle, also every week and every year. As long as we remain in our old thought patterns and always do the same thing, we move in circles. As we evolve, we progress from circle to spiral – progressing spirally and ascending the path of evolution. When we learn to be useful to ourselves and to the environment, each turn of the spiral takes us to a higher plane of consciousness, until, freed from the limitations of matter, we finally move into higher circles. In the zodiac, the transition from Pisces to Aries offers the possibility of ascension; symbolically, it is called the resurrection from death.
The lower part of the picture shows the pair of fish swimming in different directions. The background of the painting is formed by the images of a spiral galaxy and a blue spiral, from the centre of which several spirals rise. Above there is the head of Phanes, a god of Greek mythology, whose name means "the appearing, the shining one". He is regarded as the first-born of creation and as a light bearer. The figures of the zodiac surrounding him are based on a Phanes bas-relief (Wikimedia: Sailko).
Above on the right you can see the glyph of the fishes and above it the constellation of the zodiac sign.
Aquarius – The Magic of Creation

Picture to the month of Aquarius
Before something appears, it is potentially present. Aquarius stands for the manifestation out of a potential state. Aquarius is the point of transformation where the invisible becomes the visible and the visible becomes the invisible. The symbol of Aquarius shows waves in space; the vibrations pour forth from the pot of Aquarius as the waters of life. The constellation Aquarius is called the Heavenly Man. During the month Aquarius he showers down a stream of spiritual light from his water jar. The Masters of Wisdom called this cosmic man the Manu, the prototype of man. He guides mankind through the cycles of time. In the present Age of Aquarius, spiritual evolution is accelerated to an unimaginable degree. Rishi Agastya, called Master Jupiter in the Theosophical circles, is the ruler of Aquarius.
For the figure of the celestial man I reworked a statue of Agastya from Java (Wikimedia: Photo Dharma) and merged the face with a picture of Master Morya. In his hands he holds the glyph of Aquarius with waves swinging like lightning. The zodiacal arch with the figure of Aquarius was created from a photo of the astrological clock of the ‘Zytglogge Tower’ in Bern. In the upper left corner, you can see the contours of the Aquarius constellation. The star in the hub of the wheel indicates the point of origin of the creational cycle; the play of colours of two Gothic window rosettes with twelve spokes stands for the variety and rhythm of cosmic unfoldment.
When I looked at the picture for several days, I realized that the figure with the Aquarius glyph looks like a magician. Aquarius is also the month of magic - to manifest something out of the apparent nothing. In Sanskrit, the month of Aquarius is called Magha, which means magic. The wheel of creation with its many colours is Maya in essence, an illusion that hides the truth of existence.