Sagittarius - Hayagriva, The Lord of Cosmic Consciousness
17 September 2024, coloured pencils and photo work
In Indian temples one finds depictions of beings with human bodies and the head of an animal. They embody various sublime aspects of wisdom that can only be revealed when there is a deeper understanding.
The horse-headed god Hayagriva, an avatar of Vishnu, is a symbol of cosmic wisdom. It is said that Hayagriva returned the divine wisdom of the Vedas to the creator Brahma when the latter lost them due to arrogance. Humility is needed to attain and maintain wisdom.
The symbol of the horse’s head contains the hints to meditate on our head as the head of a white horse and to chant sacred sound formulas. HA is the sound of the Ajna centre, YA is the sound of the head centre - HAYA. By meditating on the light in the head and connecting the brow centre with the head centre with a radiant white glow, this meditation can expand our consciousness and reveal to us all science and wisdom from within. It is considered particularly auspicious to worship Hayagriva in this way each Thursday and in the month of Sagittarius.
To construct the image, I used a photo of a stone relief depicting a meditating Hayagriva in a Japanese temple. Over this I placed two images of the centre of our galaxy, the Galactic Centre which is in Sagittarius. With the help of the photo of the head of a Hayagriva statue in Rajahmundry, South India, I created the Hayagriva figure in the milky white colour associated with Hayagriva.
The upper part of the picture shows a detail of a zodiacal representation with Sagittarius above Hayagriva's crown.

Sagittarius - Alignment from Individual to Universal Consciousness
15 September 2023, pencils and photo work
In Spiritual Astrology, Sagittarius is considered the most exalted Sun sign, very favourable for spiritual practices. In the body, Sagittarius is located in the higher Muladhara centre (root chakra) at the lower end of the spine. This centre is the entrance to the path of light called the Sushumna. We can imagine that we enter the light in the Muladhara and quickly move up to the Sahasrara, the head centre. Then we can contemplate on the radiant light in the spine and the head.
Especially during the first 7 days after the entry of the Sun into Sagittarius, the Sushumna column opens wide and the light is flowing upwards like an arrow to the Sahasrara. This is called "the path to Narayana", the universal consciousness. Lord Krishna epitomises this universal consciousness. He says in the Bhagavad Gita, "Among the twelve months of the zodiac, I am Sagittarius."
The image visualises the ascent of light from individual consciousness in the body (planetary consciousness) to the soul (solar consciousness) and spirit (cosmic consciousness). These layers are represented by the red-brownish earthly sphere below, from which rises the silhouette of the body with the centres of light. Above this the sphere of the sun, the soul, arches in fiery colours. The blue sphere indicates the magic of the cosmic dimension; it is represented by Krishna playing the flute, surrounded by the signs of the zodiac, with Sagittarius at the top, and the depth of the black starry sky.
The design of the image visualises the realisation that in reality we internally, are the planetary, solar and cosmic consciousness. The image arrangement illustrates the invisible path of ascension through the planes.

Sagittarius – Preparing the Dawn
2 September 2022, pencils and photo work
In Spiritual Astrology, Sagittarius is considered the messenger of the dawn, and it rules the two hours before sunrise. This time corresponds to the dawn of the day, the first phase after the new moon, the month before the solstice of Capricorn and the preparation of the World Mother for the awakening of a new creation from out of the background of space.
At dawn, a surge of energy rushes through the atmosphere, reviving the bodies of living beings, and the Lords of the Seven Rays prepare the souls on the subconscious levels for the awakening of the Light. Thus, this time before dawn contains highest spiritual potency and is therefore most suitable for spiritual activities.
In the background of the picture there is the photo of a beginning dawn during a flight over India. Overlaying this, there is the photo of large stone statues taken in the car park of the Vietnamese Buddhist monastery Tu Vien Kim Son in Watsonville, California. In the foreground you see Quan Yin as a symbol of the Mother of the World. She holds a staff and an egg-shaped sphere in her hands. She is seated on a lion, suggesting the sign of Leo, ruled by the sun. The Buddha resting in the background evokes representations of Vishnu, resting on the serpent of time in the ocean of space.
The star at the top alludes to the cosmic source of light. Below are the seven stars of the Great Bear, symbol of the seven cosmic rays. The seven different coloured spheres of light in the lower part of the picture indicate the terrestrial reflection of the rays that bring a fresh impulse to life. And the Moon, like the Mother, is a reflector of light.

Sagittarius - The Three Suns
2 September 2021, pencils and photo work
From a spiritual point of view, the sun of our solar system is a threefold principle. The visible sun is only the focal point for the action of a greater sun called the central sun or the soul of the sun. And the cosmic sun is the spirit aspect of the solar principle. This cosmic or spiritual sun is invisible and incomprehensible to us. The central sun, around which our sun moves, corresponds to the human soul. The physical body of the sun corresponds to our physical body. Everything is threefold in its manifestation.
The physical sun has its correspondence in our heart centre. The soul of the sun has its seat in the Ajna centre on the middle of the forehead, and the cosmic sun is located in the head centre, the Sahasrara. In the Gayatri mantram, the three planes of the sun are called Surya, Savitru and Bhargo Deva. The cosmic plane of the sun is Bhargo Deva. Savitru, the central sun, receives the light of the soul from the cosmic sun and gives it to Surya. Through Surya, the visible sun, the earth receives its light and we receive the light in our hearts. Thus, we have the cosmic, solar and planetary systems embedded in us.
For the human silhouette in the centre of the image, I edited a photo of the writer. I designed the background with a photo of a sunrise and elements of a NASA photo of a star nebula. The sun in the heart was created with photos of the sun. The electric blue light of the sun in the Ajna centre leads beyond the shape of the body. The radiant centre at the top of the image suggests the formless, invisible cosmic sun.
The luminous central line merges into the light as individual consciousness gradually unites with universal consciousness. The semicircles in the lower part of the picture symbolize the different density levels from space to earth.

Sagittarius – Before Dawn. Fiery Aspiration
24 August 2020, pencils and photo work
The time of Sagittarius in the course of the year corresponds to the time before dawn in the course of the day. The two hours before sunrise are very favourable for meditation and bring fourth the best results with ardent worship. We can easily receive the cooperation of the Devas, who pour out subtle energies on the beings of the earth.
For the background of the image I warped a photo of predawn seen from an airplane and worked on the colours. The bottom indicates the sphere of the earth, the dense matter. From out of it rises a rose in pinkish colours into the vastness of the blue firmament; it is a symbol for the blossoming of fiery aspiration.
The flower is surrounded by the signs of the zodiac with Sagittarius at the top. The varying colours of the signs indicate the subtle work of the devas of dawn. They dance around the flower and seem to plunge into the flaming sphere announcing the rising sun.

Sagittarius – The Axis of Rotation
12 August 2019, pencils and photo work
For our daily meditation it is recommended to visualize the correspondences between parts of the body, of the planet and of the cosmos. We can see ourselves as sitting in the middle of the earth and having the North Pole in our head and the South Pole towards the lower end of our vertebral column. We can further visualise the constellations of the Great Bear (Big Dipper) in the head and the Pole Star as the pivotal point at the top. At the base centre, there is the dog guarding the infernal gates; it is Sirius, the Dog Star which is called Cerberus in Greek mythology or Sarama in the East.
From this point, related to Sagittarius, the kundalini ascends. The ascent can be visualised as an arrow shooting up through the central axis of the spine. Occult Meditation 48 says, “Matter, mind, Master. Matter is the South Pole. Master is the North Pole. Mind is the equator.” The movement from matter to spirit, to the stage of the Master, is the path of evolution.
The picture shows the arrow on the bow as the central axis from the base centre, the South Pole to the head centre, the North Pole, and further pointing to the Pole Star. The seven stars of the Great Bear are called the Seven Judges or Seers in the East. They are related to Sagittarius, whose constellation you can see in the upper right corner. The globe is formed with the help of a picture of the earth and a crystal ball. In the dark part below the equator, symbolising matter, you see the constellation of the Great Dog with Sirius positioned at the base centre.

Sagittarius - The Path of Return through the Sushumna
9 August 2018, pencils and photo work
The symbol of Sagittarius is the bow and the arrow. In spiritual astrology, Sagittarius is located at the base centre in the human body. The arrow is seen as the vertebral column, where you find the column of light called sushumna. When the higher consciousness awakens, the power of kundalini moves upwards through the sushumna in a spiral manner. The science of yoga describes the sushumna as the central balancing energy line surrounded by ida and pingala, the energies of materialisation and spiritualisation.
The bow to shoot the arrow of consciousness upwards to the head centre is the sacred word OM. With every OM we can visualise the upward path of kundalini through the sushumna to the head and beyond. OM exists as the triple aspect of spirit, soul and matter, represented as ida, pingala and sushumna.
I depicted the arrow of consciousness as being surrounded by two energy lines and going through the etheric centres. The centres are formed out of the whirlpool of the etheric plane, for which I used a picture of the solar plasma. The bow is symbolised by the blueish horizon. In the sky you see Jupiter, the lord of Sagittarius, and the Great Bear. This constellation is linked to Sagittarius as the birthplace of the seven judges which bring down through Sagittarius the seven states of consciousness in man.

Sagittarius – Sagittarian Contemplations
15 August 2017, pencils and photo work
We are a microcosm containing all the intelligences that constitute the cosmic person. When contemplating on this relation we realise that we are essentially the same as the cosmic being and we slowly regain the original perfection.
Our body is anchored in matter at the Muladhara, the base centre. Esoterically, the higher Muladhara is linked to Sagittarius. It is presided by Ganesha, the cosmic Jupiterian principle. When worshipped, Ganesha enables experiencing the brilliant light inside the spinal column and a speedy upward movement from Muladhara to Sahasrara. The ascent of consciousness is symbolized by the eagle.
I created a silhouette of the cosmic person with a NASA photo of a star field in the Sagittarius constellation. Since Sagittarius represents the time of pre-dawn, I fused a photo of a dawn with the stars. At the feet of the golden yellow Ganesha statue there is a lotus as a symbol of the Muladhara. The central axis of the cerebrospinal column of light is formed with a water jet. The soaring eagle is located at the Ajna centre of the cosmic person and a radiant blue star forms the top of the Sahasrara.

Sagittarius – Seven Seers and Seven Layers of Consciousness
11 August 2016, pencils and photo work
The Eastern wisdom describes seven working intelligences in creation which exist as seven principles on the cosmic plane. They are called the Seven Seers / Rishis or Seven Judges. They have incarnated as the seven stars of the Great Bear and have externalised as seven rays. This principle also expresses on earth as seven great sages, as seven layers of consciousness and as the seven energy centres of the human body.
Spiritual Astrology explains that Sagittarius is the sign of judgement and that the seven judges are related to this sign. Sagittarius is the sign of aspiration to noble goals where the spiritual student dreams of becoming seer whose plans are one with the cosmic plan.
At the start of this image, I worked on a photo of the Great Bear. Seven rays in the colours corresponding to the related Seven Seers come down to earth. There, the Seven Rishis are depicted as seven flames, which I superimposed on the shape of the Earth. One of the flames is radiating in a human silhouette, where a line in rainbow colours represents the seven centres. The silhouette is standing on a radiant blueish sphere, looking to the Earth. The globe, surrounded by a subtle aura, appears like the pupil of a great seer. The image has a background of blue, the colour of Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius.

Sagittarius – The Upward Journey
04 August 2015, pencils and photo work
The archer with bow and arrow is the symbol of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a fiery sign related to long journeys and, on the spiritual path, to the journey towards higher states of consciousness. The key-note is setting a goal and striving with focused attention. The central channel of the spine, the sushumna, is regarded as the seat of self-consciousness; it is the arrow in us. In Eastern symbolism the sacred sound OM stands for the bow with its string. You set yourself as an arrow on the bow and you string it by withdrawing deep within. With a stable mind you then shoot the arrow upwards. This is the upward journey of the soul.
Meditating on the image of the month, I saw the lighted central column with the energy moving upward through the centres. I depicted the archer by the outline of the golden etheric body with the hands not holding the bow but raised to protect the heart. I placed the symbol of the OM at the front. As a point of departure for the bow I transformed the crescent of the earth from a NASA photo symbolising the ascent beyond material consciousness. The rising flames stand for the fiery aspiration, and from above blessings descend from higher spheres via the head centre.

Sagittarius – Fiery Alignment
08 August 2014, pencils and photo work
Sagittarius is the fiery sign of the archer, symbol of single-minded attention. It teaches us to direct all our forces to one purpose, the goal of our life. On the spiritual path, the bow and arrow stand for the meditative discipline of lifting up the energies to the higher centres and to align one’s own will to the divine Will.
For the visualisation of the divine Will, I chose a representation of the Lord of the Divine Will: I took the face of a statue of Shiva on the banks of the River Ganges in Rishikesh, India. I cleared other symbolisms from it and placed a bow and an arrow over the bust. With the help of photos of the sun and of a lotus I created the Sahasrara, the thousand-petalled lotus over the head, the target of the alignment, the connection to the higher worlds.
For the string and the lower part of the bust I created shapes of bluish flames, expressing the electric tension of the fiery alignment. I emphasized it by intensifying the colours.

Sagittarius – Pre-Dawn Meditation
3 August 2013, pencils and photo work
The two hours before dawn are considered to be most propitious for deep contemplation, where the awareness can easily link to the subtle planes. At this time nature prepares the new day and we can receive plenty of vital energy. In the annual cycle, Sagittarius is said to be the "two hours before dawn” and very beneficial for the spiritual aspirants.
For the painting I took a photo of a pre-dawn sky taken from an airplane I fused two photos of wooden and ceramic statues of Buddha. I placed the figure into the centre of the structure of a double pyramid surrounded by a circle. It is the symbol of transformation, a diamond enabling protection of the meditator, of a group, a nation or even the globe. It is also called a temple, from where positive energies spread out and help to reorganise the subtle matter. The diamond stands for the four cardinal points of the day and of the year, the Midheaven (MC; Medium Coeli) and the Nadir (IC, Imum Coeli).
In the centre I placed the lotus of the heart centre surrounded by golden light. The lotus is formed by different layers of radiant light. I took a photo of prismatic reflections on the walls of my home office and constructed the central column from the base centre to the head and beyond. Around and above the head you see an aura of vital energies in different shades of violet penetrating the space.

Sagittarius – Kalki, The Rider on the White Horse
05 August 2012, pencils, crayons and photo work
In the Eastern Puranas Kalki is described as the 10th Avatar who comes to close the Dark Age. We see him riding on a white horse, symbol of the purified energy of life. From above the mountains white eagles are coming down, messengers of the spirit.

Sagittarius: The Tree of Wisdom and the Waters of Life
03 September 2011, pencils, crayons and photo work
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, representing the teacher and the search for wisdom. In the Eastern teachings the cosmic Jupiter is symbolised by Ganesha, the elephant-headed God, the incarnation of divine wisdom. The principle of the Teacher on the cosmic plane is Lord Dattatreya, the higher potency of Lord Maitreya, who is worshipped as the world teacher. Dattatreya is illustrated as a youth with 3 heads. The tree related to Jupiter, wisdom and meditation, is the Ficus Religiosa.
I started with a photo of a statue of Ganesha reading a book of wisdom. Behind him there is the trunk of a Ficus Religiosa. In its crown there are the three heads of Lord Dattatreya. Above you see the eyes of Lord Narayana. Looking into these magical eyes leads you to the inner dimensions. The brilliance of the higher energies is visualised in the white flame between the eyes, hinting at the third eye, the divine opening.
I created with crayons the movements of the ascending and descending etheric flow and the flames surrounding the heads of Dattatreya. I was fascinated by the innocence of the childlike looks that are full of divine peace and radiance.
As for Lord Ganesha, he seems to enjoy sitting there under the Ficus tree and reading the book of eternal wisdom. Everything is a part of the flowing movements and the mystery of Creation.

Sagittarius – Shooting up, Pouring down
9 October 2010, pencils, crayons and photo work
Sagittarius is the sign of the archer, symbolising the spiritual aspiration of our soul striving to shoot up and reach the goal. We carry the bow and arrow in us: the spine is the arrow, the arc of the bow is the line of the eyebrows - where you find the Brow Centre, the highest point of personality consciousness. From there you can lift up to the Ajna Centre at the middle of the forehead, the seat of the soul, and from there you can lift up further beyond. It is said that intonating the OM is like drawing back the arrow on the bow to the utmost point to shoot up high.
The picture shows the figure of Master MN, a fiery Master, who worked much in the background. The arrow shoots up to the higher spheres, from where streams of energy pour down to the lower planes bringing light and upliftment.
At the top right corner you find the symbol of Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, and at the left corner the symbol of Mars, the planet of fiery aspiration.