Divine Eye 1
08 November 1981, A 4, liquid glazing paint on paper
This picture was done on the same day as "Divine Mother 3" - very intense days. Though the symbol is "classical" and used in churches as well as in freemasonry, I didn't take care of these "parallel uses", but tried to see it anew.
The eye has a white centre, the point in the triangle, the entrance point of the spirit, expressing as the three great principles also called rays or logoi - Will, Love and Active Intelligence, or Father, Mother and Son. The eye is also an expression of "personalisation" of the most abstract, giving a human, though super-human approach to the background from where it emerges. The white is pure energy, concretising and differentiating into fire, and from there it becomes more condensed into the aura of golden flames, on a background of golden-yellow radiation.
You can look into the centre of the eye, and from there you can try to go beyond. It is a good symbol for meditation. This entrance is also called the Eye of Shiva - through this passage the God beyond creation enters into creation. It is above the Ajna centre and is also called The Aquarian Passage, from seeming nothingness to apparent something.

Divine Eye 2
04 December 1981, A 4, liquid glazing paint, gold and silver colour on paper
Here you see the Divine Eye - the white point in the centre surrounded by an eye-shaped aura of blue, resembling in the vertical to a womb-like opening, from where the manifestation starts. The golden yellow flames resemble the emanations of the divine beings from out of the Origin and enlivening the entire creation. They spread light and love coming all from out of the centre, the background from where the eye is opening.

Divine Eye 3
16 December 1981, A 4, liquid glazing paint and golden colour on paper
In this painting of the Divine Eye series, you see the central point which expresses as the one eye surrounded by an energy vortex of golden-yellow and white. The two triangles in the upward and downward direction inter-penetrate and form a six-pointed star with the eye in the centre as the seventh point - representing the 7 rays or planes of creation, with the divine will as the central point. The whole is surrounded by a golden circle representing the unity, the oneness of existence, radiating golden and golden-yellow rays in every direction, while in the centre the background is just in a darker golden-yellow movement.
At every point of the six-pointed stars, you see the formation of three eyes - the one centre becoming many centres or points of expression, all surrounded by their individual radiation of gold. All together they form 18 eyes plus the one in the middle. 18 is 1 + 8 = 9, for the perfect creation, plus the one in the centre which is manifest and at the same time unmanifest. So 9 + 1 = 10, representing 1 + 0 = 1, the One expressing as all there is. The many eyes also remind of the description of the Cosmic Person, Purusha, in the Veda: Thousand headed, thousand eyed, thousand feeted is Purusha.
So the image expressed fullness expressing as fullness: THIS is fullness and THAT is fullness: Purnamadah Purnamidam...

Divine Eye 4
July 1982, A 4, liquid glazing paint and fast glue on paper
This painting visualises the Divine Eye as a portal to enter into the subtle spheres and the path which leads into the light. It is surrounded by three eyes representing the three aspects of the Divine – Will, Love and Light. The sperm-like forms in the periphery of the circle represent the souls which have taken through the portal and now are in the Light.
“The Pineal Gland is that which the Eastern Occultist calls Devâksha, the “Divine Eye.” To this day, it is the chief organ of spirituality in the human brain, the seat of genius, the magical Sesame uttered by the purified will of the Mystic, which opens all the avenues of truth for him who knows how to use it.” - Secret Doctrine III