Song of Silence. Poems 1980
The poems and some of the illustrations of “Gesang der Stille” (Song of Silence) sprang up in the month of Aries 1980 within three days in some kind of «automatic writing», on the basis of long years of meditation. They were published at the end of that year. 29 years later, when Saturn was again at the same place in Virgo, the poems re-emerged in electronic form.
On the inner side of the cover the author said: “These are not my experiences, but the experiences of silence expressed by me. Since these are the experiences of silence, everyone who is in them experiences them, and thus the silence brings them to speech, wordless or with other words.
The illustrations are simple, because they speak of something simple. Together with the illustrations they form a cycle; yet you have to leaf through the first and last images in one, so that the movement comes to silence and thus the silence comes into movement. The pictures are printed in gold. What is shining isn’t big store gold but the radiance of the world which takes leave into the silence to make protrude its being: The life-nourishing silence.”
Pisces Full Moon 2009
P.S.: The poems haven’t yet been translated into English.