Shades of Yous. Poems 2009
The German volume of poems “Schattierungen von Dus" (Shades of Yous) was published at spring equinox 2013. Now, one year later, they are published in English as well. The translation was done by the author and proof-read by Vijay Ganugula, New Jersey, USA. I'm very grateful for his suggestions and feedbacks.
The 90 + 2 poems were written between June-October 2009 and were distributed in 4 sections. 3.5 years later, they were published as a digital work in German together with photos taken by friends and myself, illustrating the tonality and the motives of the poems. As per demand, this book is also produced as a photo book in individual printing.
The poems speak of the reverberation of encounters, of wounds and their healing, of dangers of the way and surprises of everyday life.
To my surprise I noticed that the “Schattierungen von Dus" was published exactly 33 years after my first volume of poems, the “Song of Silence” (1980), and that it touched some of the motives that were already present at that time.
Easter 2014